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Early Stage Carer Resource

This guide was developed for carers, by carers and was informed by the lived experience of Aunty Lorraine Tye and myself.


The pocket sized guide  offers insights on how to help a carer, acknowledging that sometimes when someone becomes a carer, their support network changes.

“Carers sometimes find post-diagnosis their friendship circles change. This is not necessarily a bad thing! As with all experiences in life, friends (malayarr) come and go depending upon our situation. Sometimes, when a loved one has been diagnosed with a disability or illness friends (malayarr) fade into the distance while others shine right into the present! Someone will be there for you! An old friend (malayarr), a new friend, or maybe a friend (malayarr) you’ve met online. It’s really important to reach out to those people when you need a little (or a lot) of help! Connect with people who understand. Find your tribe!"

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